Farmer and Manufacturer Working Together
The land, and the family, kept him here. Farming runs in his blood. And while his peers take advantage of technology in the big city, he's doing the same out in the fields. To increase his farm's productivity and keep his family business vibrant, he relies on CropCare agricultural equipment and its manufacturing ability to meld modern innovation with time-honored tradition.
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Will It Be Worth It? Farming Today
It takes perseverance, courage, faith, and hard work to embrace the life of a farmer. CropCare Equipment knows the hard work and long hours it takes to turn a plot of land into a source of sustenance, and how essential the farmer is to providing food for the community. That's why we've committed hard work and long hours to creating equipment that makes his job easier and helps make his farm more profitable.
Featured Products:
PA1600 Picking Assistant
Innovative farming equipment to aid in picking, planting, and bed maintenance. For use in vegetable beds and on produce farms.
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PR2500 Double Reel Plastic Mulch Lifter-Wrapper
This plastic retrieval equipment cuts down on man-hours needed to remove plastic mulch. It minimizes trash, vine and soil debris and wraps the plastic into two removable bundles.
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The Hunt – CropCare Food Plot
A successful hunt requires months of preparation. Growing and maintaining an effective food plot is a big part of that. Because nature has a way of throwing weeds into the best laid plans, it's not a risk our hunter is willing to take. Not when the trail cams are showing great potential. Not when the chance for a memorable hunt is on the line.
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Trent Cole/Blitz TV - CropCare Farm & Lawn
Trent Cole, NFL pro football player and host of the outdoor show, Blitz TV, explains why he uses CropCare Equipment sprayers for food plot and farm success. CropCare ATV and ATX sprayers are tough and durable, letting him maximize his time getting ready for hunting season.
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Family Time – CropCare Farm & Lawn
Grandpa and Grandmother enjoy their log cabin on a farmette, easily maintained with innovative products manufactured by CropCare Equipment. With that ease of property maintenance comes the rewards of time left for creating memories and enjoying teachable moments with the grandchildren.
Featured Products:
Plastic Mulch Layer
The CropCare® Plastic Mulch Layer is a bed shaper and plastic mulch layer combo that allows you to do both at the same time. It’s a heavy-duty workhorse that is adjustable to meet the many different applications that exist in the mulch bed world. You can adjust for width, bed height, and tension on the plastic itself.